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Principal Investigator


Fernando Ribeiro Gomes

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar |

Degree in zootechny by the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1996) and Ph.D. in Sciences (General Physiology) by the University of Sao Paulo (2002). Currently holding a professor position in the Department of Physiology of the Institute of Biosciences at the University of Sao Paulo. Has experiences in the areas of physiology and animal behaviour, with an emphasis on evolutionary physiology.

Interests: Evolutionary Physiology, Animal Behaviour, Ecophysiology, Comparative Physiology.


Carla Bonetti Madelaire

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar |

[LaCoFiE: 2008 - current] B.Sc. and B.Ed. in Biology by UNESP-Botucatu, M.Sc. and Ph.D in Sciences (General Physiology) by the University of Sao Paulo. I explore the inter-relationships between seasonality, reproduction, immune performance, hormones, energetics and the stress response in ectothermic vertebrates.

Interests: Environmental Endocrinology, Ecoimmunology, Ecophysiology, Herpetology.

Carla Madelaire
Vânia de Assis

Vania Regina de Assis

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar |

[LaCoFiE: 2011 - current] Degree in Biological Sciences (UNESP - 2007), M.Sc. (2010) and Ph.D. (2015) in Sciences (General Physiology) by the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Currently holding a Post-Doc position at USP.

Presently, I work simulating changes in the levels of glucocorticoids that occur during the response to an acute/transient stressor, in order to better understand the immunomodulatory effects of these hormones in different parameters of the cellular and humoral immune responses in anurans.

Interests: Comparative Physiology, Ecoimmunology, Stress, Endocrinology, Behaviour, Reproduction, Immunity, Herpetology.

Aline Dal'Olio Gomes

CV Lattes | ResearchGate |

[LaCoFiE: 2017 - current] B.Sc. and B.Ed. in Biological Sciences by the Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (2007), M.Sc. (2010) and Ph.D. (2014) in Physiology by the General Physiology Programme from the Institute of Biosciences at the University of Sao Paulo (IB-USP). Currently holding a Post-Doc position at IB-USP. Works on the big area of Comparative Physiology, and in the sub-areas of metabolism and reproduction of vertebrates. Inside these areas, a special focus is brought upon studies involving the use of fatty acids as biomarkers of trophic chains as well as the metabolism of lipids and fatty acids on reproduction; more recently, has also focused in studies of ecotoxicology.

Interests: Fatty acids metabolism; Aquatic ecotoxicology, Eutrophization, Trophic chain, Immunology.

Aline Gomes
Agustin Camacho

Agustín Camacho Guerrero

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar | Site |

[LaCoFiE: 2018 - current] As a general rule, it interests me to understand how the environment interacts with the evolution of phenotypes to determine a species habitat. It also interests me to identify the consequences of this interaction on the different levels of biological organization in nature. Presently, I am developing methods to identify which species will be vulnerable to climate warming. Despite working mostly with lizards, I also have experience and enjoy studying other organisms. I have been using a variety of different approaches to my studies, which include field and laboratory studies, data collection from museums and online databases, geographical models of distribution and video games. Finally, I enjoy teaching about experimental designs, statistical analyses, and functional biogeography.

Interests: Climate Change, Ecophysiology, Evolution, Population abundances, Species geographical distribution, Richness and composition of communities. 

Ph.D. Students

Adriana Maria Giorgi Barsotti

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | 

[LaCoFiE: 2011 - current] B.Sc. and B.Ed. in Biological Sciences by the Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (2006). Specialization in Animal Biology by the Professional Improvement Programme (FUNDAP) at the Butantan Institute (IBu). M.Sc. in General Physiology by the Institute of Biosciences at the University of Sao Paulo, at LaCoFiE. Currently holding a Ph.D. student position on the same laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Fernando Ribeiro Gomes. The current project investigates hydric stress, immune response and response to stressors of frogs habiting a gradient of Atlantic Rainforest fragments.

Interests: Ecophysiology, Conservation Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Animal Behaviour, Comparative Physiology.

Adriana Barsotti
Faride Lamadrid

Faride Lamadrid Feris

ResearchGate | 

[LaCoFiE: 2015 - current] Biologist by the Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia), M.Sc. in Biological Sciences (Ecophysiology) by the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). Currently, I investigate the relationship between physiological changes caused by chronic increases in glucocorticoids and its effect over mechanisms of innate immunity, like cutaneous microbiota and peptide secretions from the skin in anurans. Furthermore, I look into understanding how the immunoprotective role attributed to the skin microbiota of anurans can be changed, decreasing its efficacy against emergent pathogens, like Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and  Aeromonas hydrophila.

Interests: Ecophyisiology, Ecoimmunology, Behaviour, Herpetology.

Aymam Cobo  de Figueiredo

CV Lattes | 

[LaCoFiE: 2017 - current] B.Sc. in Biological Sciences by the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) - Diadema, and M.Sc. in Ecology and Evolution by the same university. Since my undergraduate, I dedicate myself to studies of energetic metabolism in ectotherms and its physiological and ecological implications. Currently, I am interested in the effects of seasonality, temperature and food microorganisms in regulating the immune system during the postprandial period.

Interests: Ecophysiology, Postprandial period, Herpetology.

Aymam Cobo

Master's Students

Stefane Saruhashi

Stefane Saruhashi

CV Lattes | ResearchGate |

[LaCoFiE: 2015 - current] B.Sc. and B.Ed. in Biological Sciences by the University of Sao Paulo (USP). As an undergraduate, I worked with rhythmicity, thermal preference and metabolic rate in Rhinella icterica. Currently, I intend to investigate the thermal sensibility of locomotor performance, aerobic activity and critical temperatures of tephritid fly Anastrepha sp.1 aff fraterculus .

Interests: Ecophysiology, General Physiology, Entomology, Behaviour, Ontogeny.

Ronyelle Vasconcelos Teixeira

CV Lattes | 

[LaCoFiE: 2016 - current] B.Sc. in Biological Sciences by the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - Acaraú and an exchange program to the Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Illinois - USA). Always had an interest in water quality and conservation biology. Currently, holding a Master's student position at LaCoFiE, investigating how heavy metals present in the water of Rio Doce affect the physiology of anurans, with emphasis on glucocorticoids, sexual hormones, some immune parameters and bioaccumulation of metals. Furthermore, am also working with water quality and sediments from part of the Rio Doce basin.

Interests: Ecophysiology, Environmental change, Endocrinology, Conservation Biology, Herpetology, Water quality.

Ronyelle Vasconcelos
Diego Pereira

Diego Pereira Nogueira da Silva 

CV Lattes | ResearchGate |

[LaCoFiE: 2016 - current] B.Sc. in Biological Sciences by the University of Sao Paulo (USP). During my undergraduate, I worked at LaCoFiE investigating the relationship between hormones, stress and immunity in anurans. During my Master's, I intend on investigating the behaviour of Lithobates catesbeianus, with an emphasis on consistent interindividual variations (personality) and how these correlate with stress, temperature and immunity.

Interests: Animal Behaviour, Neurophysiology, Behavioural Endocrinology, Stress, Ecophysiology, Environmental change, Immunology.

Estefany Caroline Guevara-Molina

ResearchGate |

[LaCoFiE: 2017 - current] B.Sc. in Biology by the Universidad del Quindio (CO) (2016). I am interested in understanding adaptations of amphibians and reptiles through processes of phenotypic and/or adaptive plasticity related to their habitat environmental dynamics, emergent diseases and climate change. At the moment, my Master's project evaluates the relationship between thermal tolerance descriptors and the loss of locomotor function in anurans, in conditions of thermal and hydric stress. This study is necessary to understand populational decreases caused by the climate in anurans, as well as how different levels of hydration can influence their thermal tolerance. This information should be useful for conservation plans in anuran species.

Interests: Populational Ecology, Ecophysiology, Ethology, Bioacustics, Conservation, Natural History of neotropical anurans.

Caroline Molina

Undergraduate Students

Alan Siqueira Lima

Carolina Moraes Martins de Barros

Débora Meyer de Almeida Prado

Associate Members


Braz Titon Junior (Post-Doc, LEFE, Prof. Dr. Carlos Navas)

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | 








Stefanny Christie Monteiro Titon (Post-Doc, DDARK Lab, Profa. Dra. Regina Markus)

CV Lattes | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar |

[LaCoFiE: 2011 - current] B.Ed. (2007) and B.Sc. (2010) by the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). M.Sc. (2013) and Ph.D. (2017) in Sciences (General Physiology) by the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Experience in animal physiology with an emphasis on immunology and endocrine physiology associated with reproduction and stress. Currently, I work on two main lines of research: (1) study of the immune-pineal axis in anurans; (2) investigation of the relationships between stress and the immune system in amphibians.​​

Interests: Herpetology, General Physiology, Ecoimmunology, Neuroimmunoendocrinology.

Stefanny Titon
Patrício Garcia

Patrício Garcia Neto (Master's, DDARK Lab, Prof. Dr. Pedro Fernandes)

CV Lattes | 

[LaCoFiE: 2018 – current] Biologist with B.Sc. by the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) and an exchange program by the University of California, Davis (UCDAVIS). Undergraduate experience with leukocyte profiles of anurans and how they relate with anthropogenic stressors. During my Master's, I aim to amplify the scope of my work, addressing the interactions between the endocrine and immune systems of anurans in environments with different ecological characteristics.

Interests: Ecophysiology, General Physiology, Neuroimmunoendocrinology, Herpetology, Conservation.


Ana Carolina Inhasz Kiss


Ailton Fabrício Neto

Project at LaCoFiE: Thermal regimes effects over stress indicators and innate immunity in rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus (Serpentes: Viperidae).

The objective of our project was verifying if constant temperature regimes, i.e., the most distant possible from the daily variation in temperature faced by ectotherms in natural conditions, would induce a stress response in rattlesnakes, as well as impact their immune response.


Bruna de Oliveira Cassettari


Clara Sotero de Mendonça Aquino


Eduardo Hermógenes Moretti


Felipe Floreste Rangel


Isadora Soares Galvanese


Jessyca Michele Citadini

Project at LaCoFiE: Coevolution of antipredatory behaviour, locomotor performance, and morphology of Atlantic Rainforest anurans.

The objective of our project was to investigate: (a) on an intraspecific level, the influence of microhabitat complexity in the manifestation of antipredatory behaviour; (b) on an interespecific level, the role of spatial niches occupation on the evolution of locomotor performance, antipredatory behaviour, and body proportions of brazilian anurans.​​


Jully Mitie Santos Iguchi


Letícia Regina do Amaral Braga


Maya Romano Maia


Mayra Hespanhol Frediani


Mariana Akemi Ide


Mariana Bentim Góes


Mariana Cechinato


Raquel de Arruda Santos


Renata Vinhas Oliveira


Tatiana Rossi Alvarez


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